ho raama re ho raama Oh Lord Ram!
Dolii me.n biTHaa'ii ke kahaar... Having settled me in the wedding palanquin, the bearer
laa'e mohe sanjana ke dwaar carried me on behalf of my beloved,
Dolii me.n biTHaa'ii ke kahaar having settled me in the wedding palanquin.
biite din khushiyo.n ke chaar deke dukh man ko hazaar I passed a few days of joy for a thousand days of sorrow.
Dolii me.n biTHaa'ii ke kahaar Having settled me in the wedding palanquin...
marke nikalna tha... Dying, I had to emerge...
ghar se saavariyaa ke jiite jii nikalna paRa Living, I had to depart my beloved's house.
phuulo.n jaise paa.nvo.n me.n paR ga'e ye chhaale re Blisters formed on feet like flowers
kaa.nTo.n pe jo chalna paRa when they had to walk on thorns.
patjhaR ban ga'ii patjhaR ban ga'ii patjhaR bairan bahaar It became autumn, it became autumn...
jitne hai.n aa.nsuu merii... As many tears as were in my eyes...
a.nkhiyo.n me.n utna nadiya me.n naahii.n re niir there isn't that much water in the river.
likhnewaale tuu ne likh dii yeh kaisii merii Such were the things you wrote to me,
TuuTii nayya jaisii taqdiir they seemed to shatter my fate.
uTHa maa.mjhii maa.mjhii uTHa maa.mjhii o maa.mjhii re uTHa maa.mjhii Done with intermediaries...
uThe paTvaar the debt between us was dismissed. (?)
TuuTa pahale mere man o TuuTa pahale man ab My heart was broken, is broken now;
chhuRiyaa.n TuuTii.n ye saare sapne yuu.n chhur my bangles splintered, just like all these dreams, into pieces;
kaisa hu'aa dhokha aaya pavan ka jho.nka Such was the betrayal, a gust of wind came
miT gaya mera si.nduur and erased the vermilion from the parting of my hair.
luT ga'e o raama luT ga'e o raama mere luT ga'e solah shri.ngaar I was robbed, Lord Ram, robbed of the sixteen ornaments [of traditional beauty].
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